Monday, August 3, 2009

The Transition

I have been superstitiously holding off on packing my hospital bag, thinking that it would give me something to do in early labor. I finally gave up the ghost last week and pulled most of my stuff together.

Could there be a more fitting use for a transition bag?!?

There was real dust on mine, but it felt so good to clean her up and get her ready for the next adventure. (I almost cried though when I found leftover snowboarding clothes from last February. Had it been that long since our last excursion?!)

I had to throw a few tri essentials in - a chocolate gu, a packet of peanut butter, some powdered gatorade endurance mixed with some carbo pro and two IronCocktail water bottles. I'll have some other light snacks around too, but you never know when you'll need instant, easily digestible calories! Digging through the nutrition bin was like seeing an old boss, "It's great to see you! It never crossed my mind that I would actually miss you when you weren't around!!!"

It is absolutely bizarre to pack baby clothes though - especially knowing one set will come home unworn! Tomorrow is my due date and it just doesn't seem possible that we'll ever actually get to meet this little person. Rick is watching my every move, waiting for some sign that This. Is. It.
He just made us a dinner reservation at Otto (olive oil gelato = love) for tomorrow night so we can have a birthday party.

HEAR THAT, KID?!? We're celebrating your birthday with or without you!!! HURRY IT UP!

1 comment:

  1. I packed my IM finisher's short to wear home from the hospital. ;)
