Sunday, September 27, 2009

Under Construction

Ironman training officially starts tomorrow! I got clearance from the doctor to resume all activities on Friday, so I made it just in the nick of time!

Today was my maiden run voyage. Test driving the 'new model' Mom Body 2009 was pretty cool. I was tempted to click my heels at every crosswalk I was that happy to be running again! I did 40 minutes at what seemed like a snail's pace, with just a few 30 second walk breaks. For the most part, the engine was fine. I am happy to report that all the major components are in good working order and handled the ride nicely! (I was due to feed the little man as soon as I got home, so the, um, tanks were, um, full and well...I think I need to work on a better restraint system. Any suggestions?)

Facing down Week 1 of the "Foundation Phase" I couldn't be more excited. I'm heading to Ft. Lauderdale with Riley on Wednesday for some time with the grandparentals and look forward to some beach running and ocean swimming! I'll meet the team on Tuesday night for our first run and strength session, but I'll sadly miss our first bike and swims. Part of me wants to show up on Tuesday with a billboard that says "Under Construction: This Body is 6 Weeks Postpartum."

Seriously, who starts Ironman training in MATERNITY PANTS? Ha!

This should be fun! Wish me luck!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Letter from Mama - Week Four

Dear Riley,
You’re the center of a big debate today. Are you a month old or just 4 weeks? I think I’ll say 4 weeks and count the 15th as your official 1 month birthday. I don’t want you to grow up too fast already!

So let’s see - this week was your official launch party. You met lots of new friends and Anne Williams brought you your first bottle of liquor. Only 20 years and 11 months until you can drink it! The party was great and everyone was so happy to meet you. Dad had to leave early with Uncle Steve, John Belford and Jack to go see the Yankees game. We watched Derek Jeter tie Lou Gerhig’s hit record, which will be pretty neat to you someday in the future!

You surprised me the other day when suddenly I felt a tiny hand grabbing at my arm. It was so sweet! You can grab at things and are so much more alert now. You also found your thumb a few times this week, which is totally adorable. Dad loves playing with Mr. Duckie because you watch and smile. You can burp and fart like a full grown man which just cracks us up! I’m sure someday that will come back to haunt us, but for now we think you are pretty funny!

Well, angel face, I only have a few minutes before you wake up to eat and I need to get ready for bed before you do.

I love you more than the world!


Friday, September 11, 2009

Silver Lining

We woke up to a nor'easter. It was kind of nice - windy and cool. Eventually the rain came, and when it did, it came from every direction.

I went out for groceries and coffee. I left my wallet at home and sloshed my soaking wet way back to the car. I was hungry, wet and sans coffee. It wasn't how I wanted to start my day. Then I remembered the date and my rainy travels didn't seem so bad.

I was coming home from the post office when my mom called with the news we'd been waiting on... the tumors they've been watching in my dad have doubled in size.

Here we go again.

Since we don't have any real knowledge in terms of prognosis, treatment, etc - I'll keep it short. After a handful of rounds of colon cancer in the colon & liver, he now has tumors in his colon and one in his lungs.

It's kind of overwhelming to have the news simmering in my mind side-by-side with the elation and joy that this little Riley man is bringing into our lives. Over dinner, I was thinking how strange life is like that.

September 11th is a sad day by any measure, but it is my yearly reminder of silver linings. In the aftermath of 9/11, I was inspired by the spirit of New York, the sense of community and the ability of a place to turn something so tragic into growth and life. A little more than 6 months later, my friend Tiffany and I packed up and moved. I'm 7 years as NYer and still a little guilty that something so tragic led my life to be what it is now.

It wasn't long before my dad was first diagnosed with cancer. It was hard being so far away and like everyone felt helpless. As he recovered, I came home to find a Team in Training flyer in the mail and again found a way to turn something ugly into something new and was happy to have a tool in the fight.

Looking back now, the silver lining practically sparkles. TnT brought me my city family who eventually introduced me to my husband and well, the rest is history...

So my letter to 9-11 and cancer looks like this...

F--- YOU and thanks, without you, I wouldn't be here with this sleeping angel on my lap.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Letter from Mama - Week Three

Sweet Riley,

Congrats on Week Three! It seems like you are growing like a little weed! When you lounge on Dad now, your feet hit the couch on one side and your head is barely on his chest. Just last week you fit just perfectly. It’s hard for me to believe that you will only keep getting bigger from here. Sheesh!

We’re on our way out to the beach again, and you keep peeking out of sleepy eyes. Dad is playing The Cure’s ‘Pictures of You’ and it makes me smile. We spent 10 months imagining who you’d be, and what you’d be like. We loved seeing you dance around in my belly and shared each sonogram picture with our family and friends. It seems like you’ve always been here with us, but just three weeks ago we were still just looking at pictures of you and hoping you’d get here already!

You haven’t had much in the way of milestones this week. You’ve been a little grouchful and are awake for longer stretches at a time now. You sleep best when you are laying on one of our chests and spent a lot of time this week hanging out on the couch with Dad. Today you watched your first college football game (an exciting one!) Ohio State vs Navy. (Ohio won) and then went to your first real wedding! We were careful not to let you too near Kate because you seem to like to poop on pretty ladies. Would you believe that even on her wedding day, she remembered to bring you a present?! I can’t wait to read you Tajar tales and tell you about the mountains of NC. I think you’ll really like learning Mama’s camp songs!

Alright little man, Mama’s gonna take a nap now because you are sure to want to party tonight around 3am and when you party, I can’t sleep. Happy three weeks buddy. We love you so much already; it’s hard to believe just 21 days ago we hadn’t even met you yet!!!


Thursday, September 3, 2009

A Baby Brick

Hooray, hooray! Finally a post related to triathlon. Okay, so LOOSELY related, but Mama will take what she can get at this point.

Yesterday I started down The Long Road Back.

Rick and I loaded up Riley and some beach chairs and headed to Long Beach in Sag Harbor for a family workout. Rick hasn't been swimming much and has two upcoming races (including a half, which he keeps threatening to bail on) so we figured a nice open water swim was in order.

Long Beach is aptly named - a long stretch of sand on Noyac Bay that plays host to one of our favorite late season races, Mighty Hamptons. Rick swam first and I took Riley on our first real 'workout' together. It felt great to get sweaty and get my heartrate up. I may have even sneaked in a few spurts of running WHICH. FELT. AWESOME.

At my 2 week post-op check-up I begged to get clearance for running, but it was still out of the question. As much as I wish I could ignore the doctor, he's been very progressive so far (his exact words in the recovery room were "Get up tomorrow and pretend you didn't have surgery") and has given me clearance for any other type of excercise, SO I am being good and listening. I have to think long term here, so being safe is priority numero uno.

Riley was sound asleep in the stroller, the weather was GORGEOUS (75 and not a cloud in the sky) and off to my left, I could see Rick swimming. A perfect welcome back. My legs feel surprisingly strong (even while running) and I have no pain around my incision. I was thrilled!

Back at the 'transition area' (read: Jeep), I fed the little man a bottle while Rick dried off. A quick baby handoff and it was my turn to swim. I marched down to the water in my ill fitting speedo and two week post-baby body thinking how someday I'd look back on the moment and laugh. My strokes felt easy and smooth and my heart was singing with each breath, as I looked up into the brilliant blue sky.

I hit my turnaround and took a minute to watch the boys hanging out in the shade of the car- does it get any better?

We ended the day with a celebratory beer and seafood at an outdoor restaurant on the water in town. Yes, friends, life is good.

Life. Is. Good.