Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Internet, I'm in a MOOD.

Ten thoughts for the day:

1. Two words: DUE DATE.
2. Two more: No baby.
3. In my future: birthday cake. I'm starting the party, baby or not.
4. If one more person threatens that I won't be able to shower, eat or dress myself in the coming weeks, they are going to regret it. Are they going to cut Rick's brain out and break his arms while I am in labor? Why can't he hold the baby for 5 minutes while I brush my teeth? Am I delusional here? Wait. Don't answer that.
5. My midwife spent twenty minutes today asking about Rick's musical taste, but still doesn't recognize me when she calls my name in the waiting room. Is it bad that I hope she's not available when I go into labor?
6. Who declared today National Cute Sundress day? EVERY woman in NYC is rockin' her most stylish, perfectly fitting summer dress and trendy sandals.
7. I'm stuffed into ill fitting maternity shorts....again.
8. I need a warning sticker today. Something along the lines of BEWARE: PREGNANT AND VICIOUS.
9. I can hear the ticking clock in the baby's room and it's driving me crazy. (And no, that is not a figurative reference. There's really a ticking clock!)
10. Whew. Thanks, internet for letting me bitch. I feel much better now.


  1. You'll totally be able to take a shower. It's not that hard ;)

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Emo Philips and Catherine Bach? That's weird. I would comment on the blog, but I always heed the words "pregnant" and/or "vicious" when uttered from a woman. Talk soon.
