Thursday, August 13, 2009

Off to Transition

It's entirely too early in the morning to be on the computer, but I'm not ready to face the day (and anyway, Starbucks doesn't open for another 15 minutes.)

I had my follow up sonogram + fetal check up yesterday and Baby M. (as suspected) is happy as a clam. We discovered that the old saying 'the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing' is sadly, my body's mantra. My left side BP was markedly higher than my right so the recommendation was to induce me immediately. I'd been monitoring the right side for the past week and since it had been totally fine I was completely blindsided with that diagnosis. I got my Chief Negotiator (Rick) on the phone with my midwife and together they worked out The Plan.

Briefly, The Plan is to see her this morning as scheduled and head to the hospital around 2pm to begin an induction.(There are already 4 inductions scheduled this evening, on top of whatever women actually go into labor on their own, so we have to be hours early in order to get a room.) Ahh, NYC.

I spent last night getting some last ditch acupunture and we met the 'city family' for a last minute, last hurrah pasta dinner. I'm lucky to have such a great family - both by blood and by kinship. This baby has a lot to look forward to.

My Meltdown didn't begin in earnest until we got out of the cab on the way home. But since it's started it hasn't really stopped. (Can someone do some research on tears and dehydration?) Though I was wiped out, sleep eluded me for much of the night and when Rick's alarm went off this morning for his 5am brick, I was jolted awake. (Goodbye, Sleep, I'll see you again in a few years.)

I have a few hours to really pull myself together here. Knowing that the only way to survive this day is let myself relax into the flow, to control my emotions and ration my energy and see where things focus on the now. I'm trying really hard to visualize the feeling of a swim start - how I can either fight my way through the bodies and waste time and precious energy, or how I can relax and use the flow of forward motion, the current of everyone else's energy to surge forward.

So, as you make your way through your day, think of us. Fingers crossed for a safe 'race.' Apparently the start line is FINALLY around the corner.

Let the adventure begin!