Friday, September 11, 2009

Silver Lining

We woke up to a nor'easter. It was kind of nice - windy and cool. Eventually the rain came, and when it did, it came from every direction.

I went out for groceries and coffee. I left my wallet at home and sloshed my soaking wet way back to the car. I was hungry, wet and sans coffee. It wasn't how I wanted to start my day. Then I remembered the date and my rainy travels didn't seem so bad.

I was coming home from the post office when my mom called with the news we'd been waiting on... the tumors they've been watching in my dad have doubled in size.

Here we go again.

Since we don't have any real knowledge in terms of prognosis, treatment, etc - I'll keep it short. After a handful of rounds of colon cancer in the colon & liver, he now has tumors in his colon and one in his lungs.

It's kind of overwhelming to have the news simmering in my mind side-by-side with the elation and joy that this little Riley man is bringing into our lives. Over dinner, I was thinking how strange life is like that.

September 11th is a sad day by any measure, but it is my yearly reminder of silver linings. In the aftermath of 9/11, I was inspired by the spirit of New York, the sense of community and the ability of a place to turn something so tragic into growth and life. A little more than 6 months later, my friend Tiffany and I packed up and moved. I'm 7 years as NYer and still a little guilty that something so tragic led my life to be what it is now.

It wasn't long before my dad was first diagnosed with cancer. It was hard being so far away and like everyone felt helpless. As he recovered, I came home to find a Team in Training flyer in the mail and again found a way to turn something ugly into something new and was happy to have a tool in the fight.

Looking back now, the silver lining practically sparkles. TnT brought me my city family who eventually introduced me to my husband and well, the rest is history...

So my letter to 9-11 and cancer looks like this...

F--- YOU and thanks, without you, I wouldn't be here with this sleeping angel on my lap.

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