Sunday, November 22, 2009

And then there were three.

One year ago today, I went for a 15 mile run near Stockbridge, Massachusetts. My parents had rented a house for our family Thanksgiving and I went up a few days early to help get the (Butter)ball rolling. It was a great place to run- a logging road turned trail which crossed the Appalachian Trail and continued down the mountain as a windy neighborhood street. I was training for the Disney Marathon as a last hurrah before I got pregnant (at least that was the plan). As I headed out for the run, I stopped for a last quick bathroom break before I left the house, waiting not so patiently for a period that never came. I remember that bathroom break in vivid detail, as it was the very first time I thought, "Could I be pregnant?" Over next two and a half hours on the trail (oh, and the days, weeks and months afterwards) I couldn't think of much else. If you have been reading this blog, then you know the end of this story already.

I took a test the next day and it was...negative. I hadn't mentioned it to Rick because I thought I was getting too far ahead of myself. So, I got in the shower and started getting ready for work. I hadn't thrown the stick in the garbage yet, but as I was about to...WAIT. WHAT IS THAT? A pink, um, line? A PINK LINE? Faint? Wait, what does a FAINT pink line mean??? I run into the bedroom where Rick is SOUND ASLEEP, well he WAS sound asleep right up until I woke him with a pee covered piece of plastic and a mostly invisible pink line, which I shoved very close to his eyes. Sound asleep and with no contacts on, in a dark bedroom - no the faint line did not convince him of much. In fact, as I feared, he thought I was crazy and rolled back over for more sleep.

I tried to concentrate at work and was too scared to google FAINT PINK LINE thinking that the IT department had some alarms in place that alert HR of searches on Important Life Things. I waited until Wednesday (Thanksgiving Eve) before I took another test. Sure enough. BAM. Postively pink.

And just like that my life would never be the same.

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